How we helped an organisation identify LGBT needs
Wanting to meet its obligations under equality legislation and to develop services for all local communities, an NHS organisation commissioned us to undertake a needs assessment of LGBT communities and an organisational needs assessment that included staff.
As this project involved sensitive and complex issues, a carefully considered and planned range of research approaches was used to fully engage with harder to reach communities. By using a mix of research methods, we were able to better respond to specific local needs.
The methods used included focus groups, paper surveys, one-to-one interviews, electronic surveys, lunchtime engagement sessions and stakeholder interviews. Interviews within the community were held in a variety of community establishments including bars and cafes.
Staff were kept informed of the work and its progress via regular bulletins.
We produced a final report, executive summary and supported the dissemination and the use of findings through a local learning workshop with 100 stakeholders.
The report contained an evidence review and a benchmark of national guidelines and policy. Recommendations were made to improve organisational efforts across the workplace as well as service planning and delivery and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
A final learning and dissemination event provided opportunity to share findings with internal and external stakeholders.