Derbyshire County Council Falls Prevention Campaign
Do you have a small idea that can make a change?
We have up to £500 small grants for voluntary and community groups, businesses or teams across Derbyshire if they can do something to raise awareness of falls prevention.
In Derbyshire, around 70,000 people aged over 65 fall every year, resulting in 11,000 ambulance call outs and 6,000 hospital admissions. Many falls can be avoided by people being ‘falls aware’ and doing simple things to reduce their risk.
You can apply for funding to run an activity, or extend a current meeting/event, that will raise awareness around the risks of falling. Maybe funding can help you bring your group out of lockdown in a fun way? Get creative! Run events, quizzes, talks, with existing groups or with new audiences.
We don’t have a big application process. You don’t need a big plan. We aren’t looking for big complex activities. We just want to hear your idea. We can help to turn it into action. We can support you, link you up with speakers, provide campaign resources and even free graphic design where needed.
For more information contact or complete and return your idea/contact details using the form here.
No closing date for ideas but all activity must be completed by August 2021