Unique Improvements are proud to be working in partnership with the Institute of Commissioning Professionals to provide our Teesside University Accredited Commissioning and Engagement training courses.
The Institute of Commissioning Professionals highlighted that many commissioners commented about the lack of support and training in Commissioning when they took up their posts and therefore have had to learn on the job. Recent comments from the Parliamentary Health Committee have reinforced the need to improve standards of commissioning. A view to which many of the Institute of Commissioning Professionals members subscribe.
In order to help define the role and provide a foundation for qualifications, a series of National Occupational Standards have been developed, and the Institute have partnered with Unique Improvements to provide their members with high quality university accredited courses which can lead to either individual qualifications or count towards a university degree.
More information about our partnership and the courses can be found at http://www.iocp.co.uk/courses.php