The Speak Out For Skin social marketing campaign focuses on raising awareness of tissue viability
The Speak Out For Skin social marketing campaign is a brand new work area. It’s focus is on raising awareness of tissue viability and supporting target audiences to present early at services.
The exciting approach seeks to mobilise local communities and move from traditional campaign approaches to develop a social movement for change. Initial insight work has identified a range of segments including intravenous drug users, people with diabetes and people older people. The specific conditions are leg ulcers, pressure sores and diabetic foot ulcers. An audit of local general practice has been carried out to identify and clean data to better understand local needs and current service responses.
Already, industry representatives from major pharmaceutical organisations have been engaged to contribute additional resource, expertise and networks to engage professionals.
A range of social advertising has been developed which features local people as models. This includes placards for street / community activity, sandwich boards, posters, postcards which act as a ‘voucher’ to help with describing concerns to services, street costume, skin tattoos,