Snug as a Bug – Encouraging older people to take up financial help with the rising cost of fuel bills.
Nationally, during the winter months there are 40,000 additional deaths among the over 65s. Many of these are avoidable. More locally, in one of our work areas, communities and services identified a need to reduce cold related deaths by increasing the number of over 65s having benefit, home energy and fire safety checks.
We used community led social marketing approaches to help teams gather audience insight by using one-to-one interviews and surveys. Together with our creative team, they used their insights to develop, and test, a series of approaches.
The real strength of this work was its dynamic engagement of target audiences across community networks, to attract people to ‘Snug as a Bug’ events and in behavior goals. Thirty local people were trained to deal with issues such as affordable warmth. They then targeted audiences using peer to peer approaches and encouraged them to complete ‘hotspot’ cards which requested follow up benefit and fuel poverty checks, and the fitting of smoke alarms.
Staff were targeted as a secondary audience and a dynamic alliance of local organisations was engaged to join up approaches.
In just four months: