Experiencing training with Unique Improvements is not necessarily an isolated experience. Training with us is the beginning of a long and fulfilling relationship both with Unique Improvements and with fellow course participants.
Courses are structured to inculcate a sharing and learning environment where learners are encouraged to share experience as well as undertaking study of theory. Materials are designed to support the best learning outcomes Participants are encouraged to participate in the web based discussion forum and are kept up to date on new courses and changes in their chosen topic.
Unique Improvements has the courses and expertise to be a life long partner in life long learning and our coaching approach supports learners in their future career choices.
The only entry requirements are an open mind and a willingness to learn. Our courses cover an Introduction to the NHS as well as advanced level courses. We also offer personal development support such as executive coaching and team coaching.
There are two methods available. One is to contact Unique using the online form and follow the instructions. If at any time you wish to speak to one of the team please ring 0151 486 6737.
Alternatively you can complete the application form at the back of the prospectus and send it to: Unique Improvement, 3rd Floor Liverpool Business Centre, Liverpool L24 9HJ
English Language Requirements
These courses are presented in English. It will assist you to have written as well as language skills in English.